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CHF 29.90

Amino acids play a crucial role in the structure, metabolism, and physiology of cells in all known living organisms, as constituents of peptides and proteins. As such, they constitute the bulk of the human body mass after water.

Amino acids, molecules at the origin of life, are essential for the proper functioning of our organs.

20 amino acids enter into the composition of the proteins of the human body. Estimated at more than 10,000, proteins are molecules derived from our DNA and have very diverse functions: structural, communication, signal transduction by the nervous system, hormonal and enzymatic activities, etc.

But the role of amino acids goes beyond protein synthesis because they are at the heart of metabolism and are also precursors of biologically active compounds: DNA bases and neurotransmitters.

Unlike carbohydrates and lipids, amino acids are not stored by the body, which retains the quantity necessary to ensure vital functions. Among the 20 amino acids, 9 are said to be essential because the body does not know how to manufacture them: they must therefore be provided by food. When this is not suitable or in particular situations of the body, it is then judicious to supplement the contributions by a nutritional supplementation in amino acids.

Usefulness of amino acids in bodybuilding

Like proteins, they play multiple roles in the body and all contribute in one way or another to its proper functioning.

Construction, repair and recovery
This role of proteins and muscle building are intimately linked. Indeed, during muscular effort, the muscle fibers contract and suffer damage. The greater the tension and the more intense the training, the more the muscles become fragile and risk being damaged. The appearance of aches, with lactic acid increases these traumas.
In order to repair itself, the muscle draws on the proteins (amino acids) available in the blood and to prevent the damage of the next training to come, it will strengthen, thicken by giving order to its cells muscles to grow and allow them to recover better.

Participation in the proper functioning of the body
Some proteins or amino acids have nothing to do with construction, are enzymes, hormones… their role is to transport oxygen, transmit nerve impulses, facilitate digestion or strengthen immunity.

Additional energy supply
We sometimes forget that proteins have the same energy value as carbohydrates (1g = 4kcal). The difference is that the carbohydrates are more quickly and easily mobilized. This is why it is recommended to use mainly proteins (or amino acids) for weight loss, in the form of a high-protein diet. In the context of bodybuilding, on the contrary, it is necessary to avoid having recourse to proteins as a source of energy, because, in this case, it would be to the detriment of the muscles.

The amount of protein (amino acids) that you have in your blood will determine the ability of your muscles to recover, regenerate and strengthen and therefore be in a condition for growth.
We will particularly retain here the anabolic role of amino acids. In the blood, the level of amino acids must be balanced. To keep this balance, the body has two valves, anabolism or catabolism.

Too few amino acids in the blood? The body must draw on its reserves of amino acids which are the muscles to restore this fragile balance. By stripping the muscles of their amino acids, the body triggers the process of catabolism and destroys the muscles.
On the contrary, a massive arrival of amino acids in the blood? The body must cope with this influx by drawing on this reserve and redistributing it in the muscles which load up with amino acids and develop. We understand better then why it is so important to bring enough amino acids to the body in the context of bodybuilding. Vegetable capsules.


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