Original price was: CHF 29.90.Current price is: CHF 14.90.

This amino acid is of interest to bodybuilding enthusiasts.
Indeed, it would be able to develop muscle mass, reduce fatigue during physical effort, accelerate healing, improve sleep.


Ornithine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid. That is to say, it does not intervene in the synthesis of proteins.
In humans, it is used to fix ammonia. It is then transformed into citrulline then into arginine to give, at the end of the cycle, urea. These reactions take place in the cells of the liver. Namely, ornithine is essential when living conditions lead to high levels of ammonia such as endurance exercise or liver dysfunction.
But it has other benefits than that of regulating azotemia.

This amino acid is therefore of interest to bodybuilding enthusiasts. Indeed, it would be able to develop muscle mass, reduce fatigue during physical effort, accelerate healing, improve sleep.

Use: 4 capsules per day with a little water | Box of 60 capsules. A serving of 4 capsules provides 2000 mg of L-Ornithine

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